It’s no secret — we all want to be successful and well,…we also all know that habits can either help or hurt that success in life. Bad habits can grow into a lifestyle that really takes you away from the things you actually want to do and good habits can help you create a life that full of accomplishment.
Catch my drift?
If you were to look at someone you respect, someone who’s successful, you would see that they spend each day doing the things that help them accomplish their biggest goals. I’m not saying that this means they are perfect because by no means is anyone. But hey, despite all the obstacles they still continue to make moves to have a positive impact and well — it all starts with their daily habits.
So here is a little roundup of 5 habits of successful people that you can implement into your daily life as well:
They plan out their day the night before.
One thing I started doing after I bought my own place, started my business and realized I had a lot more responsibility on my hands? I got to thinking that I needed to have a plan. A plan of all the things I wanted to accomplish for my future. And how do you achieve goals for your future? It starts with small daily goals. Without planning what your day will look like, you wake up not knowing what you want to do or accomplish. To me it’s SO important to wake up and go down my list, feeling instant satisfaction when I cross everything off for the day.
Make your health a priority.
I never knew this until I really started taking health and working out seriously a few years ago. What you eat and how much you exercise affects every area of your life. Successful people use their exercise as a time to reset and plan. And they make smart food choices that will give them the energy they need to accomplish everything on their daily to-do list. It works, promise.
Don’t get distracted by what other people are doing.
Although we can all fall into this hole from time to time it’s important to remember that other people’s journeys to success can actually be inspiring instead of frustrating. You can learn so much — think about it. You learn about their mistakes, their victories, what to do and what not to do. But if you start comparing your progress to theirs instead of using their stories as inspiration, you can feel jealous, stressed and unworthy. Haven’t we all been there?
Successful people realize that we are all on our own unique journey in life and it’s important to stay in your lane.
Practice appreciation.
Successful people know that when they show appreciation to the people in their lives, they not only make those people feel better, but they themselves feel better and more successful. This is one of the biggest factors in how people become successful. People are more likely to help you achieve your goals if they believe that you appreciate their efforts. There is no downside to this. Appreciation costs nothing, and no one has ever complained about being over-appreciated.
Outdo yourself.
If you are able to dedicate more of your time and energy toward self-improvement, don’t think twice about it! Pushing yourself to over-deliver is a testament to your willpower and level of commitment, not to mention your excellence at what you do. The right kind of mindset will help you accomplish more than what you thought you could.
Do you guys agree with these or have any others to add?! I’d love to hear!
xoxo, Olia
Clarissa says
Ah! I love these!! I’ve also been told- live and make mistakes will you are young. Evolve and keep evolving-learn yourself. Get comfortable with who you are ✨
Natali says
Amen to all of those!! Also, you’re looking super cool in this outfit!